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The DIFG Team


The hospitality and catering industries are going through unprecedented times. As are other business sectors and families across the UK.

However, we must do everything we can as a foodservice community to remain resilient. How can we achieve this?

By supporting and helping one another navigate these commercially turbulent waters—and stay buoyant.

With these thoughts in mind, we sat down as a team at Delicious Ideas Food Group (DIFG) and discussed what we could do right now to help the buyers and site operators we work with across the UK, every day, continue serving their healthy snacks and keep smiling.

We wanted to do something that would deliver immediate benefit and have a positive material effect.

And so we’ve decided to lower our benchmark minimum order quantity (MOQ) to just £50.

It’s a gesture we hope will aid cashflow management and enable site operators to be more financially and organisationally nimble at this most challenging time.

Please rest assured that everyone here at DIFG has your best interests at heart, and we want to remain as flexible and supportive as we can for as long as it takes to reach the end of this unexpected and uncertain journey we’re all travelling together.

Of course, there might be other things we can do to help, things we might not have considered yet. Which is why we remain open to your suggestions and indeed encourage them.

So please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear any thoughts and ideas you have that might inform and influence the future decisions we make in our efforts to continue to help you as much as we can.

Stay safe, stay in touch, keep calm and let’s WORK TOGETHER! All the very best.

The DIFG Team

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